Thursday, March 5, 2009

Next Steps

Saturday (March 7th) is our next New ACT meeting. We'll meet at the Liverpool UMC from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you're in the neighborhood, you'd be welcome to join us. Meetings are always open.

The agenda is packed as always, but we'll begin with worship. No other place to begin. Holly Nye (Conference Minister from Troy AC) and Bishop Hassinger (Episcopal leader of the Albany Area) will shape and lead this time. Usually we spend a good hour (and it's always good) worshiping together. When we are connected with our God, we are able to do God's work.

As I said, the agenda is packed, but in my mind the most important item after worship will be developing guidelines to organize the work of planning teams. These teams will be responsible for developing various pieces of our new conference. I imagine we're going to need a couple of dozen teams made up of persons from across the Upper New York region. I hope you might be open to joining a team. Check in a week or so for details.

In the meantime, please pray for New ACT as we work together this Saturday. And (if I may be so bold) please pray for me as the convener. Pray God will grant me good listening ears, a kind and careful tongue, a belly capable of laughter, a heart able to beat in sync with God's and eyes able to see beyond my own hopes, dreams and fears.

Grace and Peace,

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